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Ascension Yoga Studies UOCA 101

  • 26 Weeks
  • 2 Steps
Get a certificate by completing the program.
Everyone who has completed all the steps will get a badge when the program ends.


This 20+ lesson program with questions for each lesson and final exam will give you a 50 hour Yoga Studies Certificate and the basics of Patanjali's Ashtanga yoga system, explaining how it developed, the core sutras, the history of its evolution from Tantra into Hatha Yoga we practice today. The subtle energy system of Prana as relates to modern anatomy in the Vayus. The Chakra system and the meditation techniques in using chakras. Pramana and how that fits in with the mind and consciousness through the Vritti. How the mind operates according to the yoga and its connection to brain waves and decision making, meditation and improving one's control over one's mind. The last part of the course incorporates the subtle connection to the Western faiths and how Jesus Christ is essential to one's Salvation and why the final steps in Yoga to Kaivalya cannot work without the Grace of Christ. By the time you complete in 6 months or less, you will fully understand what yoga really is, which is very different to the Yoga Studio classes you may have been taking. This is the perfect course to do as prelim to a YTTC Yoga Teacher Training. The focus is not on postures or asanas but the core meaning of Yoga. And how it can spiritually advance you to a state of peace in meditation. This entire course is for FREE if you JOIN UOCA as a member. Membership also currently is FREE. Go to if you wish to JOIN and state in your application that you wish to do the UOCA Yoga Studies.

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Yoga Studies UOCA 101

Yoga Studies UOCA 101

Private • 1 Member


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